Hope-Giving Meditation during Coronavirus

followed by 9 Simple, Powerful Spiritual Healing Practices 
for healing Hopelessness, Helplessness, Fear, Stress and Depression

Dearest One,

This is the script of the meditation in audio video on u tube which can be found on:

The text is offered to you as a helpful accompaniment, as it clearly outlines the 9 Spiritual Healing Practices as well as the meditation itself. This will help you from having to try to save to memory and you can also print it out easily. May you find this helpful and may you be showered with grace on your onward Path. Loving blessings Mynavati. 

Uncertainty is not new to us. Life always presents the unexpected when we least expect it. But now, uncertainty is extensively, visibly, affecting our lives, our families, society in every country, and this makes uncertainty in our lives feel much more challenging to us, and more certain. We know uncertainty exists but we could often pretend that it did not. But now, we can’t… and this creates a great deal of stress for the levels and aspects of us that, at times, choose to live believing otherwise.

In the face of these challenges and the stresses we feel, we can easily become un-centered… buffeted, battered, scattered, physically, mentally and importantly, spiritually. All change contains stress but the change we now experience, is collectively magnified and involves most people. It is a change that, as yet, has no end-time resolution.

And so here is the offering of a short and simple, yet deeply healing, meditation that is designed to help center you, balance you, strengthen you and nourish you… that helps you connect with hope and peace. That helps you connect with the hope, peace and Light that is you.

This is followed by 9 simple practices to help you meet your day positively and strongly.

Now let us begin with your hope-filled meditation which can be used daily to calm your mind and release tension. The meditation can be repeated in your day more than once and as many times as you feel the need to.

Sit comfortably and relax your breath, with your hands on your lap.

Be aware of your breathing… breathing in and breathing out, naturally and gently.

Let the thoughts in your mind anchor in your breathing,

Breathing in and breathing out…

Continue in this way for a few moments, anchoring your thoughts, your mind, in the steady flow of your breathing…

Breathing in and breathing out

Your mind relaxing…

Breathing in and breathing out.

Your body relaxing, letting go tension…

Breathing in and breathing out…

In this safe and quiet place within you, welcome any feelings you have had or have to fully come into your mind; frustration, fear, disincentive, hopelessness, helplessness, loneliness, grief, sadness, anger, depression, confusion, exhaustion, weakness, and powerlessness.

Stay with the feelings and thoughts for a moment or two only, making them conscious, acknowledging them, feeling them, but not holding onto them… and let them leave you carried from you by a gentle clear river… a gentle clear river flowing further and further from you effortlessly taking your suffering…

Place your left hand palm on the center of your chest, the epicenter of your heart energy, with your right hand palm over your left hand palm.

Continue to anchor your mind, yourself, in your breathing, naturally and gently

and as you breathe, continue to release your difficult feelings and thoughts to the gentle flowing river.

In this moment, choose to let them go, in this moment, choose to let them leave you… to let them be…. In this moment choose to trust…

Breathing in and breathing out…

Breathing in and breathing out…

Choose to hand your suffering over, to let your suffering roll, in the gentle clear river flowing further and further from you…

Visualize the clear river flowing, carrying your suffering, your fear-filled feelings, your anxieties, your hopelessness, your helplessness… all your concerns and worries, increasingly flowing further from you, moving towards a great Radiant Healing Source of Light.

Affirm within your heart, I surrender all my concerns, my fears, my distress…my hopelessness, I surrender all… These are not mine to keep, may they flow from me and onwards… towards a healing resolution according to Divine Will and Love.

Imagine your concerns gently dissolving, disappearing into the clear, flowing river, moving into and merging with a great Source of Illuminating Radiant Light. A light that Heals all, nourishes all, purifies all, illuminates all… radiating, expanding, peace-filled Light.

Breathing in and breathing out…

Breathing in and breathing out…

Imagine your very self immersing into the gentle clear river flowing into the Great Radiant peace-filled Source of illuminating Light, embracing you, soothing you, purifying you, absorbing you, your pain, your suffering, deeply healing you…

Stay in the silence and peace of this visualisation for a few moments…

Breathing in and breathing out…

(following a short silence)…

Breathing in and breathing out…

Breathing in and breathing out…

Let the palms of your hands rest on your lap. Be at Peace.

Pray that all beings as well as you, benefit from your efforts to heal, to claim peace. May all benefit from your good intentions and your earnest meditation.

If you find this meditation helpful, try reconnecting with it throughout your day when you feel you need to… imagining the clear gentle river taking all your concerns to a great radiant Healing Source of Light.

* * *

Now, here, are 9 simple nourishing and strengthening practices that can help you balance, mentally, emotionally and importantly, spiritually each day, throughout your day.

1. When you awake in the morning, place the palms of your hands on the center of your chest, the central spiritual energy of your heart, with your right hand palm over your left hand palm. Feel the comfort of this holding for a few moments as you breathe deeply and gently.

Say to yourself inwardly or aloud,

Today I choose happiness.
I am loved and I love and I share love.

Repeat a further 2 times

Today I choose happiness.
I am loved and I love and I share love.

Today I choose happiness.
I am loved and I love and I share love.

Stay with these feelings for a few moments before letting your mind move on…

2. At any time, place the palms of your hands on the center of your chest, the central spiritual energy of your heart, with your right hand palm over your left hand palm. Feel the comfort of this holding for a few moments as you breathe deeply and gently and say inwardly or aloud

I choose to trust myself, to have faith in my life
and in myself,
I have every right to be here and to be me.

Repeat 2 more times,

I choose to trust myself, to have faith in my life
and in myself,
I have every right to be here and to be me.

I choose to trust myself, to have faith in my life
and in myself,
I have every right to be here and to be me.

Remain quiet for a few moments absorbing your words before letting your mind move on…

3. During your day, when negative or fearful thoughts arise in your mind, catch them and choose instead to make them positive. You have choice and you can do this.

For example, if you feel or think, “I can’t take anymore,” feel this thought for a few moments, its heaviness and consciously choose a thought which expresses the opposite of what you are feeling. A lighter, happier, freer thought.

For example, “I happily meet every challenge with strength and courage…”

Repeat 2 more times.

I happily meet every challenge with strength and courage…

I happily meet every challenge with strength and courage…

Remain with the strength of your words for a few moments. Feel the strength flow through your entire body. Claim faith in yourself

4. Choose to focus on what you can control rather than what you cannot control. Your daily tasks, your own positive efforts to stay safe and well. Create a structure and routine for your day that feels kind to you… that is manageable. Structure and routine are tremendously healing for you and help you to feel secure, safe and held. For example, try to eat your meals at the same time each day, go to bed at the same time each evening, get up at the same time each morning. If you include daily meditation, reflection or inner work (which is highly recommended) try to do this at the same time each day. Consistency creates an empowering and holding energy for you that energetically supports you and nourishes you. A structured routine takes care of you as you take care of you.

5. If you feel very emotional and there is no one you feel safe to talk to, write an unsent letter to a higher authority, or someone you feel is extremely kind, understanding and loving, expressing all your concerns and anxieties. Remember that this letter will always remain unsent. This will give you the freedom and the safety to express your deepest thoughts. Maybe you wish to choose to write to Divine Light, or Divine Love, or to your chosen form of God, Angels, Saints, parents, deceased or alive, a mentor, a teacher, any energy that you are drawn to and whose energy comforts you. Write to your chosen one addressing them directly… personally. Continue writing to this Loving energy each day until you feel that there is no further need. When you feel complete with your letters you can destroy them, safely burning them or shredding them. You can move on…

6. Create a small sacred space in a chosen room, where you can safely place unsent letters, small items that make you feel happy and where you can sit and be quiet and contemplate or meditate. When used frequently this space can bring automatic solace and a sense of security for you. It is your space… Your sacred space… One that will create an energy field that will nourish you over time.

7. When you can, without straining or trying, perform small, random acts of kindness, a small service, a kind word, a smile, an acknowledgement of another. You may not be able to meet people personally but you can send them a kind greeting, or give them a warm smile in passing, or say a few uplifting words to them on the telephone or on social media. This will bring you happiness as well as making others happy.

8. Spend some time each day, consciously relaxing your mind and body. If you wish to, use the meditation you did earlier or any other meditation you feel drawn to, to help focus your mind and to help your body and mind relax and let go. Spend some time walking or moving, or merely being, just for you. Actively, consciously, choose to give this personal time to you, to be kind to you.

9. Last but not least, when someone comes into your mind, known or unknown to you, when you see someone pass by, known or unknown to you, connect with your heart, smile gently and say inwardly to them, “I bless you. I bless you. I bless you.”

May these small simple practices connect you with the strength, the courage, the kindness, the light, the hope, that is you.

Thank you for sharing precious time with me. May you be blessed always. Through our efforts may all beings benefit by our good intentions and heartfelt wishes.

Mynavati © May 2020

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