
Gratitude is the greatest wealth we can have.  It is the sweetest Divine gift.  Without gratitude we have nothing.  Without gratitude, we are open to resentment, unfullfilment, constant desires and bitterness. You could own the material wealth of the world.  You could be the most powerful person in the land and have total...
Misery or Divinity There is only one person that can make us miserable and this is our own self.  The essence of all misery is within and the source of all its anger and fear is hidden within the ego.  Where is the ego? The ego crouches behind the “I.” ...
Confidence in Uncertainty We look for certainty in life.   We want to believe that if we do our best, try hard enough and get it right, everything will go as planned.  But life is not like that and we do know this even if we pretend to believe otherwise.  The...
Many people give themselves permission at Christmas time to express Love more than at other times.  They share and care, give and receive and come together in the Spirit of unity and harmony. But every moment, in every day, in every week, in ever year, in every lifetime is the...